Hyperbaric chamber to treat head trauma

A new study confirms that the hyperbaric chamber would be a tool of choice to treat head trauma. The 39 participants, treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, saw their symptoms improve significantly. Brain imaging carried out before and after the therapy confirmed the positive effects on the brain.
Below I explain in detail what has been demonstrated, and why the hyperbaric chamber can repair your cognitive functions. You will also find some video testimonials from American veterans who have undergone this therapy.
Improvement of symptoms thanks to the hyperbaric chamber
In the study
- Pain reduction
- Improved mood
- Better sleep
These improvements were measured using a self-assessment questionnaire called the QSM . A total score above 75 is generally associated with disability. A score below 30 indicates few symptoms, or symptoms of mild intensity.

We can therefore see an improvement in symptoms as the therapy progresses.
The graph above represents the average of the participants' scores after 20 and 40 dives in a hyperbaric chamber. At the end of the therapy, a reduction in symptoms of 46.6% was measured.
Hyperbaric chamber effects confirmed by brain imaging
In addition, brain imaging was performed before and after the therapy. The results observed coincide well with the improvement in symptoms reported by the 39 veterans.
Before hyperbaric oxygen therapy
The image below represents the brain of one of the participants in this study.

We can see that an injured brain has reduced perfusion. This is called cerebral ischemia. That is, some of its areas are incorrectly supplied with blood and oxygen. Even years after the trauma.
After hyperbaric oxygen therapy
The image below shows the same brain as before, after the 40 dives in the hyperbaric chamber. We see that the presence of oxygen in the injured brain tissue causes a reduction in cerebral ischemia .

The reduction of cerebral ischemia is a phenomenon that was observed by Doctor Pierre BLANC in 2016
He explains it like this:
The improvement in performance after hyperbaric oxygen therapy would be linked to the reactivation of the ischemic penumbra zones. The ischemic penumbra corresponds to a non-functional but viable brain zone. On the periphery of this ischemic or hemorrhagic lesion center, brain zones will persist, structurally intact but not electrically excitable. These zones are called penumbra zones. These penumbra regions could persist for months to years after the stroke. (...) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, by delivering the energy necessary for brain tissue to repair it, could restore brain activity in these penumbra zones.
Doctor Pierre BLANC, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment after a stroke lasting more than 6 months: assessment of activities and participation; about 9 cases. Human medicine and pathology. 2016. ⟨dumas-01583763⟩
To summarize: After the sessions in a hyperbaric chamber, due to a better supply of oxygen, the brain has more energy to heal and repair itself . This is called neuroplasticity . This would allow to reactivate certain damaged areas of the brain, which remained on "standby" following a head trauma or a stroke.

Hyperbaric chamber helps American veterans
The hyperbaric treatment of these 39 veterans was funded by The 22 Project . This association aims to provide care to veterans who have suffered traumatic brain injuries. Here are some video testimonials from veterans who have undergone this therapy. French subtitles are available, don't forget to turn them on.